What is PrEP
PrEP is short for Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis – this means it is taken BEFORE exposure to HIV.
It’s like “Birth Control for HIV” – meant to prevent the spread of HIV with daily use
Women have two PrEP options:
Truvada™ a daily pill
Apretude™ an injectable taken every 2 months
Both PrEP options for women are safe and highly effective when taken as prescribed (99% effective after 21 days for vaginal sex and 7 days for anal sex)
Women should consider using PrEP:
If you have sex with different partners and you want extra protection for yourself
If you don’t always use condoms and are unsure of your partner’s HIV status
If you want to have sex with your partner who is living with HIV
If you want to have a baby with your partner who is living with HIV
If you inject drugs/share needles and want to minimize risk to yourself and others
If YOU decided using PrEP is right for your own self-protection - PERIOD
Also consider PrEP if:
If your partner injects drugs/shares needles with others
If your male partner has unprotected sex with others
If you or your male partner has had an STI in the last 12 months
If you have at times had sex for essential needs (food, shelter, drugs, other support)
Cost of PrEP
Most medical insurance providers cover the cost of PrEP
For uninsured individuals, UofL 550 Clinic has financial assistance programs to aid with medication, labs, medical care, and other support service costs to help you remain on PrEP with little to no out-of-pocket cost.
Contact our PrEP Team at UofL 550 Clinic for comprehensive PrEP Linkage and Support Services and education. Call: 502-852-1679 for more information
Visit us on Facebook: www.facebook.com/rwprogramlouisville
Website: www.mypreventiongreenbook.org
To learn your status: Enter your zip code to find a testing site near you www.aidsvu.org/services/#/testing or contact our Testing Team: 502-852-0752