Questions to Consider Before Starting any Medication (including PrEP)

Here are some important questions to ask before starting a new medication to make sure you understand what you are taking or what you need to do while taking the medication:

  • What is the brand name of this medication (they often prescribe generic)?

    • What is the dose you are recommending?

  • Are there other uses for this medication than what you are prescribing?

  • What are the risks and benefits of taking this medication?

  • Can you give me some additional information about this medication (print)?

  • How effective is this treatment? 

    • How will I know the medication is working for me?

  • How often do I need to take this?  What time of day?

  • What if I miss a dose? Should I take it as soon as I remember or wait until the next dose?

  • Should this medicine with food or on an empty stomach?

  • Should I avoid certain foods or drinks while taking this medication?

  • Is it OK to drive while taking this medication?

  • Is it OK to take this medication along with the others Iā€™m taking?

  • Does this medication need to be refrigerated or kept at room temperature? 

  • Are allergic reactions to this medication common?

  • What are the serious side effect I should look out for? 

  • Will this medication be covered by my insurance?

  • Will I need a refill of this medication?  

  • Do I need to take all the medicine or is it OK to stop taking the medicine when I feel better?

  • When will we have another checkup to assess how taking this medication is going for me?

  • Do you offer any type of financial assistance or other support services at this location?

    • Gas cards, TARC Tickets, referrals to other services like mental health, food aid or childcare?